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Karateschool ki club.cool in Amsterdam en Monnickendam is opgericht in 1994 door Thérèse Zoekende (4e Dan) en Patrick Koster (4e Dan). Bij ki club.cool beoefenen we traditioneel Shotokan karate-do volgens de filosofie van karatemeester Gichin Funakoshi.
Experience the joy and excitement of beginning a news chapter on our blogging journey! With every post, we’re not just sharing stories – we’re creating connections that resonate with our readers’ hearts. Embrace the adventure ahead with our blog as our canvas, painting our thoughts and dreams into existence. Watch as kiclub.cool’s words become a beacon for an engaging community, inviting collaboration, inspiration, and boundless creativity. Celebrate every milestone, learn from every comment, and grow exponentially with each shared experience. Our blog is more than just a news platform; it’s a vibrant, thriving world of possibilities just waiting to be explored!
“In Summer you can find us in the park” ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶⭐️ ki
Zomer6sies *24 Zomer6sies: Vanaf zondag 21 juli t/m 25 augustus organiseert
Moeder en Dochter Karate. Graag nodigen we in het nieuwe jaar
ENGLISH Dit seizoen 2023-2024 bestaat ki club.cool 30 jaar! Hiep, hiep,
Taikyoku Kata is een filosofische term die de macrokosmos aanduidt. De
Elke maandagavond organiseert ki club.cool in de dojo in Amsterdam een
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Stadspas Kidsgids 2019/2020 – Gemeente Amsterdam Aanbieding Karate Stadspas Kidsgids Grgrgrgrgr:
NIEUW! Bij ki club.cool Beginnerslessen: [NL] + [EN] – English text
[NL] + [EN] – English text below. Zomerkarate Deze zomer organiseert
'Don't miss a Kick!'
Sensei van ki club.cool
ki club.cool - Tel.: +31 20 427 68 14 or [email protected]
Westerpark, zondagochtend 25 augustus, na de laatste zomer6sie. Bekijk onze outdoor-karate-verrichtingen in het videodagboek op de website! Tot de volgende zomer in het park, en volgende week maandag in de zaal. ... Bekijk meerZie minder
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Beste karateka, Hierbij informeren wij jullie over de opening van het nieuwe seizoen. Kick Off Seizoen 2024-2025:Maandag 2 september is het zover, dan starten we het nieuwe seizoen 2024-2025!De lessen zijn -vooralsnog- volgens het normale rooster op ma, wo en vrijdag (in Monnickendam). Early Birds Aktie voor nieuwe leden:Nodig je vrienden uit! Nieuwe leden die zich aanmelden in de maand september ontvangen 20% korting op de contributie! Videodagboek van Outdoor trainingen:In de zomermaanden hebben we onze karatetrainingen gecontinueerd in het Westerpark.Van elke les is een leuke en leerzame video gemaakt.Videodagboek bekijken: Videodagboek > www.kiclub.cool/video-diary-karate-summer-school/ Art Show, kom en zie:Thérèse exposeert van zaterdag 7 sep t/m zon 6 okt met de Nederlandse Kring van Tekenaars in NDSM-FUSE, Amsterdam (Noord).Er zijn o.a. prints te zien (en te koop) van haar martial arts alter ego, Samurette. Jullie zijn van harte uitgenodigd voor de opening van zaterdag 7 september van 17:00-20:00 uur.Lees meer op: NDSM-FUSE > www.ndsm-fuse.eu/programma.html#content1-1h2 en Blog Thérèse > www.theresezoekende.com/samurette-met-nkvt-in-ndsm-fuse/ Wij hopen jullie allemaal gezond en wel weer te kunnen begroeten in de dojo.Osu Met vriendelijke groet, Patrick en Thérèse ... Bekijk meerZie minder
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Dankjewel Tom 💚🦋
Thanks Nikki 🌹💚
Outdoor Karate 👀🌳Video Diary.Sunday August 11, 2024, Westerpark, Amsterdam. Class given by Thérèse Zoekende teacher and founder of karate school ki club.cool.In this video you see us studying the kata named Kanku Dai. This kata used to be called Kushanku, but the name has changed to Kanku (looking at the sky). See the first two movements, where there should be a feeling of looking at the sky through the created space from the position of the hands.In this class we especially focus on movement 11, 27, 30 and 52: the kick yoko geri keage, a sweeping side kick combined with an uraken uchi, a strike with the back of the fist~both can be used for an attack or defense.In spring and summer karate school ki club.cool teaches outside in the Westerpark. Next class is Sunday morning August 18, 10:30-12:00 hrs. EARLY BIRDS: 20% OFF!Wil je ook bij ons karate beoefenen? Dat kan vanaf de start van het nieuwe seizoen 2024-2025: maandag 2 september. Je ontvangt een Early Birds korting van 20% als je je in september aanmeldt voor een lidmaatschap! Contact us for more info: [email protected] 🦜[email protected] 🕊️🦩🦢🐓🐦⬛🪿🦅🦉🦃🦤〰️🥋. Check www.kiclub.cool for more 🔗 www.kiclub.cool/video-diary-karate-summer-school/.* Would you also like to practice karate with us? This is possible from the start of the new season: Monday, September 2. You will receive an Early Birds discount of 20% if you sign up for a membership in September!..#karate #westerpark #amsterdam #shotokan #energy #monnickendam #syuupiritual #training #Martial #martialartist #blackbelt #selfdefense #zelfverdediging #excercise #workout #practice #fitness #active #power #health #kiclubcool #shotokan #fight #herengracht #kick #Cool #martialart #vechtkunst #combattraining #japan #summer ... Bekijk meerZie minder
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Dankjewel beste Silvia 🦋👽☘️💕✨
Dankjewel Tom 🦋🙏👽🌼
Dankjewel Nikki 👊🔥🌹
Outdoor Karate 👀🌳Video Diary.Sunday August 4, 2024, Westerpark, Amsterdam. Class given by Patrick Koster teacher and founder of karate school ki club cool.In this video you see us practicing the bunkai of movement 1 and 2, and 16 from the kata: Kanku Dai.Bunkai literally meaning "analysis" or "disassembly". It is a term used in Japanese martial arts referring to the process of analysing kata and extracting fighting techniques from it.Kanku Dai:>Movement: 1-2. There should be a feeling of looking at the sky through the created space from the position of the hands. This kata used to be called Kushanku, but the name has changed to Kanku (looking at the sky) because of this movement.>Movement 16. Shuto Gedan Barai = Low level open hand block, Jodan Shuto Uke = Upper level block and Jodan Mawashi Uchi = Upper level horizontal open hand strike.From: Karate-Do Volume 1. Japan Karate Association, page 193 and 206. And Best Karate, Bassai, Kanku, M. Nakayama, page 85.In spring and summer karate school ki club.cool teaches outside in the Westerpark. Next class is Sunday morning August 11, 10:30-12:00 hrs.EARLY BIRDS: 20% OFF!Wil je ook bij ons karate beoefenen? Dat kan vanaf de start van het nieuwe seizoen 2024-2025: maandag 2 september. Je ontvangt een Early Birds korting van 20% als je je in september aanmeldt voor een lidmaatschap! Contact us for more info: [email protected] 🦜[email protected] 🕊️🦩🦢🐓🐦⬛🪿🦅🦉🦃🦤〰️🥋* Would you also like to practice karate with us? This is possible from the start of the new season: Monday, September 2. You will receive an Early Birds discount of 20% if you sign up for a membership in September!.#karate #westerpark #Amsterdam #shotokan #energy #monnickendam #spiritual #training #martial #martialartist #blackbelt #selfdefense #zelfverdediging #excercise #workout #practice #fitness #active #power #health #kiclubcool #shotokan #fight #herengracht #kick #cool #martialart #vechtkunst #combattraining #japan #summer ... Bekijk meerZie minder
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Thanks Rogier 🧡⭐️🙏💜
Outdoor Karate 👀🌳Video Diary. Sunday July 28, 2024, Westerpark, Amsterdam. Class given by Thérèse Zoekende, teacher and founder of karate school ki club.In spring and summer karate school ki club.cool teaches outside in the Westerpark. Next class is Sunday morning August 4, 10:30-12:00 hrs. EARLY BIRDS: 20% OFF!Wil je ook bij ons karate beoefenen? Dat kan vanaf de start van het nieuwe seizoen 2024-2025: maandag 2 september. Je ontvangt een Early Birds korting van 20% als je je in september aanmeldt voor een lidmaatschap! Contact us for more info: [email protected] 🦜[email protected] 🕊️🦩🦢🐓🐦⬛🪿🦅🦉🦃🦤〰️🥋* Would you also like to practice karate with us? This is possible from the start of the new season: Monday, September 2. You will receive an Early Birds discount of 20% if you sign up for a membership in September!..#karate #westerpark #amsterdam #shotokan #energy #monnickendam #spiritual #training #Martial #martialartist #blackbelt #selfdefense #zelfverdediging #excercise #workout #practice #fitness #active #power #health #kiclubcool #shotokan #fight #herengracht #kick #Cool #martialart #vechtkunst #combattraining #japan #summer ... Bekijk meerZie minder
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Merci beaucoup Eleonora 🩵💕🧡
Dankjewel Tom ✌️🦄🦋😎🔥
Thanks Nikki 🌟😎🩵☘️💕
Outdoor Karate 👀🌳Video Diary.Monday July 22, 2024, Westerpark, Amsterdam. Class given by Patrick Koster, teacher and founder of karate school ki club.cool.Bassai Dai: SUKUI-UKE. Movement: 6, 38 and 39. Explanation by movement 6: “Block an opponent’s kick coming from the right side with a sweeping motion (SUKUI-UKE) then, extend the right arm and bring it up until the arm becomes parallel to the ground with a feeling of raising upwards the opponent’s leg, and turn the arm inward with a feeling of throwing the opponent off balance.”From: Karate-Do Volume 1. Japan Karate Association, page 155.In spring and summer karate school ki club.cool teaches outside in the Westerpark. Next class is Sunday morning July 28, 10:30-12:00 hrs. Zomer6Sies /SummerSessions starts from July 21st, each Sunday morning to August 25th.W’d like to welcome you to join us enjoying our summer park trainings. Contact us for more info. 🌳🦜🥋🏞️🦕🕶️🌝👌🧚♂️🌿..#karate #westerpark #Amsterdam #shotokan #energy #monnickendam #spiritual #training #martial #martialartist #blackbelt #selfdefense #zelfverdediging #excercise #workout #practice #fitness #active #power #health #kiclubcool #shotokan #fight #herengracht #kick #cool #martialart #vechtkunst #combattraining #japan #summer #bassaidai #sukuiuke #kata ... Bekijk meerZie minder
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Outdoor Karate 👀🌳Video Diary.Sunday July 7th 2024, Westerpark, Amsterdam. Class given by Thérèse Zoekende @theresezoekende, teacher at ki club.cool.In spring and summer karate school ki club.cool teaches outside in the Westerpark. Next class is Sunday morning July 21h, 10:30-12:00 hrs. Zomer6Sies /SummerSessions starts from July 21st, each Sunday morning to August 25th.W’d like to welcome you to join us enjoying our summer park trainings. Contact us for more info. 🌳🦜🥋🏞️🦕🕶️🌝👌🧚♂️🌿..#karate #westerpark #Amsterdam #shotokan #energy #monnickendam #spiritual #training #martial #martialartist #blackbelt #selfdefense #zelfverdediging #excercise #workout #practice #fitness #active #power #health #kiclubcool #shotokan #fight #herengracht #kick #cool #martialart #vechtkunst #combattraining #japan #summer ... Bekijk meerZie minder
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Thanks so much dear friend An 💜🎸🖤
Dankjewel beste Saskia 💛💞💙
Dankjewel Rob 🧡🎵🎸💙🙏
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Outdoor Karate 👀🌳Video Diary.Sunday June 30th 2024, Westerpark, Amsterdam. Class given by Patrick Koster @patrick.hattrick, teacher at ki club.cool.In spring and summer karate school ki club.cool teaches outside in the Westerpark. Next class is Sunday morning July 7th, 10:30-12:00 hrs. Same time, same place on July 21st.Zomer6Sies /SummerSessions starts from July 21st, each Sunday morning to August 25th.W’d like to welcome you to join us enjoying our summer park trainings. Contact us for more info. 🌳🦜🥋🏞️🦕🕶️🌝👌🧚♂️🌿..#karate #westerpark #Amsterdam #shotokan #energy #monnickendam #spiritual #training #martial #martialartist #blackbelt #selfdefense #zelfverdediging #excercise #workout #practice #fitness #active #power #health #kiclubcool #shotokan #fight #herengracht #kick #cool #martialart #vechtkunst #combattraining #japan #summer ... Bekijk meerZie minder
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Dankjewel beste Tom 🙏✌️🦋🔥😍☘️
Dankjewel Boudewijn ✌️🦋🙏🌸💜