Category Archive for: ma-ai

ki = karateschool voor traditioneel Shotokan te Amsterdam en Monnickendam sinds 1994 - wachter of the Tōdai Temple

Martialarts mascottes

The Four Guardians Martialarts Mascottes: The Four Guardians 👹👹👹👹 of the Tōdai Temple, Nara, Japan. Statue in dry clay. ‘Dit is Komoku-ten, the guardian of the west, symbolizes the un of A-un. His expression is that of the spirit of power in reverse.’ (Karate-Do Kyohan, Gichin Funakoshi, blz 246) The Cosmic Dance A & UN:…

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Ma ai - Intro karate course - Zomer karate programma [*2019]-karate summer school organized by Amsterdam karate school ki Amsterdam - ki = karateschool voor traditioneel Shotokan te Amsterdam en Monnickendam sinds 1994

Ma-ai (間合い) #1

Ma-ai (間合い) and/or Ma (間). part 1: Interval Ma-ai (間合い), translating simply “interval”, is a Japanese martial arts term referring to the space between two opponents in combat; formally, the “engagement distance”. It is a complex concept, incorporating not just the distance between opponents, but also the time it will take to cross the distance,…

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ki = karateschool voor traditioneel Shotokan te Amsterdam en Monnickendam sinds 1994

Ma-ai 2 (間合い) #2

Advancing and retreating Ma-ai 2 – (間合い) en/of Ma (間). PART 2: “The Ma requires advancing and retreating, separating and meeting.” From: Karate-do Kyohan, Maxims for the karate trainee, “Eight important phrases of Karate”. Gichin Funakoshi. photo: Yuru Chara (Japanese mascot) squeezes itself through a public transport gate. The Japanese name for costumed performers is…

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[NL] – [EN] – English text below A drum meets karate collaboration art and philosophy project. Samenwerking Een samenwerkingsonderzoek met musicus, filosoof, drummer en karatestudent Bartho Staalman en beeldend kunstenaars en karate docenten Thérèse Zoekende en Patrick Koster. We willen nieuwe leermethoden in kaart brengen voor instrumentalisten en muziekproducers voor het bestuderen van ritmiek. Bij…

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