Posts Tagged:usc karate

Kumite class at ki Fill the whole area that you reach with your hands and feet with a fog coming from your heart; that's cool

Kumite class 5: Masahiko Tanaka

Kumite class at ki @xxxx[{::::::::::> Masahiko Tanaka: Read more kumite class [Kumite class – Nederlandse tekst] Lees meer | Kumite Class 1 | Class 2 | Class 3 | Class 4 |

ki = karateschool voor traditioneel Shotokan te Amsterdam en Monnickendam sinds 1994

Ma-ai 2 (間合い) #2

Advancing and retreating Ma-ai 2 – (間合い) en/of Ma (間). PART 2: “The Ma requires advancing and retreating, separating and meeting.” From: Karate-do Kyohan, Maxims for the karate trainee, “Eight important phrases of Karate”. Gichin Funakoshi. photo: Yuru Chara (Japanese mascot) squeezes itself through a public transport gate. The Japanese name for costumed performers is…

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