ki 30 years

gilletti's message the graphic novel by Thérèse Zoekende will be given as an anniversary gift to new ki members

ki 30 years

This 2023-2024 season, ki exists 30 years!

Hip Hip Hooray! This season marks 30 years since martial and visual artists Patrick Koster and Thérèse Zoekende founded ki
Patrick Koster portret ki karate Amsterdam
Therese Zoekende portret ki karate Amsterdam
Amsterdamse karateschool Ki sensei Patrick Koster in training op de internationale stage in Gent, België
ki sensei Thérèse Zoekende toont een van haar specialiteiten: yoko geri keage met een uraken uchi


On Thursday, June 9, 1994 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm we give our first karate lesson in the karate school we founded, called De Bijlmer Dojo, housed in Surinaams Jongeren Centrum Kwakoe (SJC Kwakoe) (1975-1997) in the Amsterdam Bijlmermeer. From August 24, 1998 to July 17, 2000, De Bijlmer Dojo is housed a little further in the gymnasium of primary school De Rozemarn.

Toen de Amsterdamse karateschool De Bijlmer dojo nog bestond kregen wij deze mooie nieuwjaarskaart van een van de begeleiders bij SJC Kwakoe
In Paramaribo stands the statue of Kwakoe: a monument commemorating the abolition of slavery.
At Amsterdam karate school ki, the founders Thérèse Zoekende and Patrick Koster design the Open Week cards themselves

Expansion: On February 14, 1996 De Waterland Dojo is founded in Monnickendam, municipality of Waterland. In addition to classes in Traditional Shotokan Krarate-do, we also provide self-defense courses for girls and women.


We were living in the honeycomb Koningshoef flat in the K-Buurt when on Sunday evening 4 October 1992 an El Al Boeing crashed into the neighboring flats Groeneveen and Klein-Kruitberg. The Bijlmer disaster accelerated the large-scale urban renewal of the Bijlmermeer. Large parts of the old Bijlmer were demolished and residents resettled.

The Dojo moved with the founders to the center of Amsterdam. Since September 6, 1999 to the present, we are located in De Burghtschool on the Herengracht.

Op de opening van de tentoonstelling Ode aan de Bijlmer in CBK Zuidoost-ki docenten exposeerden er hun Bijlmer Years
At the opening of the exhibition Ode aan de Bijlmer in CBK Southeast.
We have made a multimedia collaboration art project about our Bijlmer years entitled: Bijlmer Years 1989-1997. The project has been exhibited in the 50th anniversary exhibition of De Bijlmermeer in CBK Southeast. The artwork shows the old Bijlmermeer before its demolition from a unique residents’ perspective. More information about Bijlmer Years 1989-1997 on (video) and (photography)
On Thursday, June 30, 2011, our school enjoyed the special honor of hosting JKA karate celebrity Yoshiharu Osaka (1947).

Giletti's Message

In celebration of its 30th anniversary, ki has released a comic book titled: Giletti’s Message. Author: Thérèse Searching. 66 pages. Graphic design: ChezPatrickEtTherese. Language: English. The book is available (€ 25,-) through the club.

gilletti's message the graphic novel by Thérèse Zoekende will be given as an anniversary gift to new ki karate club members in Amsterdam and Monnickendam
gilletti's message the graphic novel by Thérèse Zoekende will be given as an anniversary gift to new ki karate club members
gilletti's message the graphic novel by Thérèse Zoekende will be given as an anniversary gift to new ki karate school members

Welcome gift

This season 23-24, ki is giving the comic book as a gift to new members with an annual membership in the 13+ adult age group!

Posted on 1 maart 2023 in Ki

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