Karate is allowed again and we are ready! We have had quite a long period of lockdown and therefore stayed at home. This was not ideal but apparently necessary. Now that the measures are gradually being relaxed, sports can be played outside again. That is positive news for our karate club. Practicing karate outside is refreshing and challenging.
Corona adjustments
Practicing karate outside is allowed and is fun, but we can only do it if we adhere to safety procedures. For example, it is important that a distance of 1.5 meters to the other is always maintained. So the other person should not be touched. Also don’t touch the possessions of another person. Such as clothes or drinkers. Practicing Kumite is therefore excluded, as are other partner exercises.
Outdoor karate
Karate is allowed to go outdoors again and that offers opportunities to work on our kihon and kata. It is very nice to sharpen your techniques in the wind or sun. You will also notice that a sports floor is different from a park meadow.
Karate in regular sports clothes
Outdoor karate is best to do in regular sports clothes. Last week it was quite chilly, around 8 or 9 degrees Celcius and that was too cold for bare feet. We can wear sports shoes for outdoor karate.
New members welcome
The importance of being healthy and working on your condition may be clear today. New members are also very welcome at the outdoor training sessions. For now we have an outdoor session twice a week. On Monday evening from 6:45 pm to 8:15 pm in Monnickendam and on Wednesday evening from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in Amsterdam. Registration is required. Send us an email or give us a call and give us your 06 number. We have a WhatsApp group with which we inform you where the training takes place. In Monnickendam we also train on the lawn next to the Marijkehal. Wednesday we trained in the Westerpark.