Category Archive for: buiten karate

Video Diary Karate Summer School

“In Summer you can find us in the park” ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ⭐️ ki ⭐️ Westerpark ⭐️ Karate ⭐️ Shotokan⭐️Zomer6sies⭐️Summer-sessions ⭐️ Sunday mornings ⭐️ Amsterdam ⭐️ ☁ ▅▒░☼‿☼░▒▅ ☁ JOIN US! It’s Fun! Healthy! Interesting & Gezellig! call 020-427 2814 for inquiries email: [email protected] [==============>KARATE?! Yes: Just do it! -`ღ´- -`ღ´- -`ღ´-ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ Zomer6sies *24 ☁ ▅▒░☼‿☼░▒▅…

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Karate is allowed again.

Karate is allowed again and we are ready! We have had quite a long period of lockdown and therefore stayed at home. This was not ideal but apparently necessary. Now that the measures are gradually being relaxed, sports can be played outside again. That is positive news for our karate club. Practicing karate outside is…

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