Karate stage in Amsterdam
ki club.cool heeft de eer en de primeur om de eerste KWF Nederland masterclass te organiseren. Sensei Samo Garabedian, 6e Dan KWF zal de stageles verzorgen.
In januari was hij in Tokyo Japan bij de Honbu Dojo van de KWF van Mikio Yahara en zal vast en zeker wat van zijn ervaringen met ons delen. De les staat in het teken van kennismaking en vriendschap.
Komt allen! Met vriendelijk groet, Patrick Koster en Thérèse Zoekende, oprichters/eigenaren ki club.cool Oss!
Masterclass karate in Amsterdam
ki club.cool has the honor and the scoop to organize the first KWF Netherlands master class. Sensei Samo Garabedian, 6th Dan KWF will provide the internship lesson.
In January he was in Tokyo Japan at the Honbu Dojo of the KWF of Mikio Yahara and will certainly share some of his experiences with us. The lesson is all about acquaintance and friendship.
Karatenomichi or Way of Karate? What sets it apart from “Karatedo” (Way of Karate)?
Yahara: They have the same English translation and are generally similar, but KWF’s “Karatenomichi” holds a deeper meaning. Adding the Japanese preposition “no” (of) to the noun “Karatedo” turns it into “Karatenomichi”, which serves to emphasize a certain path. The term does not refer only to Karate as a martial art, but it also refers to the pursuit, path, or “Way” experienced while studying “Budo Karate”.
Welcome to all! Kind regards, Patrick Koster and Thérèse Zoekende, founders / owners ki club.cool. Oss!